BXpellet said:
3 Tons of Okies, looking for 2-3 tons more
Send some my way

This was sent to me by one of my dealers in NH that he got from his customer...in total there was 17 pallets (22.1 tons) of product he put in his basement for the coming season. Now that is someone who knows a good deal when he sees one...LOL....Somebody REALLY likes Okanagans.
Pellets 1 shows the last 2 skids in my lower garage/work shop...couldn't get any more in.
Pellets 2 is the stockpile along with the Eagle Valley I had leftover from last year. I
could not bring myself to throw them away...even though they were lousy. You can
just see the end of the boiler to the right.
Pellets 3 is the stockpile in my hobby room in the basement. This is all I could fit in
without blocking my access to the other parts of the basement. Total was 17 pallets or 1105 bags.. Guess that make me a member of the Pellet Pig Club..