It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!

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BTU said:
BXpellet said:
3 Tons of Okies, looking for 2-3 tons more

Send some my way!!!!

This was sent to me by one of my dealers in NH that he got from his total there was 17 pallets (22.1 tons) of product he put in his basement for the coming season. Now that is someone who knows a good deal when he sees one...LOL....Somebody REALLY likes Okanagans.

Pellets 1 shows the last 2 skids in my lower garage/work shop...couldn't get any more in.

Pellets 2 is the stockpile along with the Eagle Valley I had leftover from last year. I
could not bring myself to throw them away...even though they were lousy. You can
just see the end of the boiler to the right.

Pellets 3 is the stockpile in my hobby room in the basement. This is all I could fit in
without blocking my access to the other parts of the basement. Total was 17 pallets or 1105 bags.. Guess that make me a member of the Pellet Pig Club..!!!
This is what I have for ton mixed brands on the porch,
32 bags Barefoot in the garage. Will probably grab two more
tons sometime over the next couple months. Never burned
more than about 180 bags in a season so not worried.

[] It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!

[] It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!
Virgin year. 2 1/4 tons stuck in the corner, waiting to burn.


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Given the expense of pellets, I really can't explain my eagerness at getting the heating season underway. I can only attribute it to the fact that I am very much looking forward to the performance of the Okies in my basement. I used to use NEWP Green Supreme, and this is the closest I have found to that. Low ash, high heat and I love the smell in my basement. I'll try to hold out until mid October, but one of these mornings my sweetie will give me that "turn the pellet stove on, or else!" look, and it will be time start burning pellets.
Currently have just under 6 ton stocked.
Majority of my pile this year are Okies and leftover NEWP Green Supremes.
Also have a few loose bags of Dragons, Spruce Pointe, Cleanfire Softwood, & LGs.


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  • [] It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!
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Here's my load, not as impressive as some of you guys but non the less
The first picture was from last year so that you can see how I stack them, the builder of this house had a closet cut out in the garage (other side of the chimney) witch is pretty useless unless you have a air handler for a furnace or like me stack them full with pellets, the closet holds 42 bags. And is exactly one bag wide and 2 deep. I know you guys are counting but between the 2nd row is another part just about half way where you can stack more behind, its like a part of the fireplace.
This is about 72 bags in total, it should get me through the winter. My house in only 1000sq ft one story.
[] It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!

[] It's the time of year to show your wood pellets!
A picture is at the following link

(broken link removed)
well, it took a while but here it is 22TONS of Somersets in the warehouse warm and dry


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4.5 Tons of LG's and 25 Bags of Eagle Valleys left over, stacked and ready to warm the house.


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2.5 Ton here, hope to get 1 more.


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epehubb said:
2.5 Ton here, hope to get 1 more.

The dog looks VERY happy that he'll have a nice warm stove to sleep in front of this winter ;-P
It has been a while since I have posted. Only burned about 1.66 tons last year, 1/3 ton left over (Lignetics). Purchased 2 tons of Barefoot for this season. 2.33 tons total in basement.

My kids stacked them so they don't look as pretty as all of yours. Time to clean the stove and get ready for Old Man Winter.


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Now just wait a dog-gone minute! LOL! I have 22.1 tons in my basement, not in a warehouse. (My pics
were posted by BTU a few posts back) Pretty sure that makes me the "boss hog" in pellet land. From
what I understand, that and a couple bucks gets me a coffee with a free refill! LOL

Of course the bad news is that I'll use most of it this year, but it's a big house. I feed a P-68 and a PB105
together. Speaking of which, I finally got "that look" from my wife telling me it was time to start up the P68.
(a couple 35-degree mornings will do that.) I was pleased to see that even after almost 2 days of running
the ash build-up was almost negligible. Gotta love those Okies.

Mark M said:
Ironpony looks like king of the Pellet Pigs - 22 tons!!! What are you heating - a hotel?

No, 4600 sq ft and I use 4 tons per year so I am set for a while
couldn't pass up the price I got buying a truckload
and being I have the room to store them inside also in five
years, it might really be a cost savings although you never know
what prices are going to do
the house is new constuction and extremely open layout,
wife and I enjoy cooler temps so even though the stove keeps it
at 68 degrees we are in heaven

dont make me have to go buy one more ton,
actually if you are burning 11 ton per year you are the real pellet pig
mine are going to last 5 years
Hey there Iron Pony!

A swine friend you turned out to be! LOL If you bought more pellets then I'd have to buy more.
But then, no matter how many I bought and burned, I'd freeze because if I brought in one more
bag my wife will put me in the dog house and there's no pellet stove there! (But the beer would
probably stay pretty cold! Gotta look at the positive side, bro!)

Best regards and Oink-Oink!!!

Mike Pelletier
Total stash - 124 bags of pellets. 2 tons of Greenway pellets, 6 bags of American Wood Fibers pellets left over from last winter, 18 bags of Ozark Hardwood Pellets. We probably burn 4 - 5 tons a winter, at least I have a half a winters worth.


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216 bags of Barefoots. I'm good to go.


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One ton of North Idaho energy log pellets and a ton of Atlas ultra premium red fir pellets.I bought a ton of seconds at atlas on the way home.They were 189.00 a ton.That little tear and it's a second.Sweet.Two bags lignetics red label and two bags of Northern pride pellets.


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