I have been looking around for wood stoves lately and I found a few year old Nestor Martin RH43 on craigslist for $1000 with about 15 feet of stove pipe and the necessary parts to penetrate the roof. I have tried to do some research, but most info is in various European languages and I can't really even find anyone who sells this brand in the US. Most of the information is promotional and not technical, for example I cant figure out how big the firebox is. I saw there was a member on here with an Nestor Martin X33 who seemed to like his wood stove. Their technology and the remote and all that seem cool, but I don't know if there's actual value in that or if it's just more parts that might be impossible to get.
Any help that people can lend would be appreciated.
Here's the product:
Any help that people can lend would be appreciated.
Here's the product: