Local Craigslist ad for about 3 cords of cut and split hardwood (maple, oak, etc...no pine). Been down for about 2 years, buyer is asking for $200 obo, its local to me so I'll go have a look. Obviously I want to minimize my outlay for the maximum return, what is reasonable for this, assuming its not rotten or waterlogged and that I can drive right up to it and toss a load in my pickup. I can carry probably 1/2-3/4 cord in my pickup I think (full size chevy with 6.5" bed). I wouldn't mind running down there ar lunch daily to get a load till its gone since its about 15 minutes from my office.
Should I offer $100 for the pile and I'll move it out as best I can or offer $20 per truckload or somethign along those lines? There were no photos on thier ad.
I am concerend that I will not have enough wodd for the winter (being my first year with the stove I was the grasshopper this year and didn't start cutting and seasoning in the spring so now everything I've got is green.
Should I offer $100 for the pile and I'll move it out as best I can or offer $20 per truckload or somethign along those lines? There were no photos on thier ad.
I am concerend that I will not have enough wodd for the winter (being my first year with the stove I was the grasshopper this year and didn't start cutting and seasoning in the spring so now everything I've got is green.