Picked up a Brave 20 Ton 5hp V/H splitter off craigslist today. I was kind of wondering how it would do because it's only 5hp and 20 ton. This sucker rips though anything. What it doesn't split, it cuts. Even when it hits a huge knot... it powers through and doesn't seem to even slow the motor at all. I'm really pleased with this model. I can see my scrounging get faster because now I can take it to where I'm cutting and split the trunks without having to split by hand just to get them loaded. There is no model number on it though and it's probably 10+ years old or so. I'm wondering why I would ever need anything with a bigger tonnage. Anyone else have a Brave splitter? I noticed when I was working the valve that you don't have to hold the valve up when it's going up... it just pops into neutral once it reaches the top. Also noticed that it's much easier with a nice size round to sit on while positioning the big pieces around.