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Minister of Fire
Dec 21, 2014
I have a spring fed house with the pipe starting way up hill. There is a constant feed/loop that runs through a pipe in the basement. The pump pulls off of this constant running water. Reason for this I assume is freezing - so the pipe from the source down to the house doesn't freeze as it's constantly moving. Has anyone used the PowerSpout? I'd like to, in my idealistic brain, hook a mini hydro generator up and tie into the grid as this water runs 24/7 and when I listen closely to the pipe the water is saying "hey you idiot, this is free energy".
I've always liked the idea of microhydro. I hope you can make it work for you.
Seems worth looking further into especially if there is a decent head to the waterflow.
They list dealers in the US so it appears to be approved for US application. Most likely these installations are off-grid anyway.
They have an interesting video, a New Zealand chap outside demonstrating that a washing machine has a stater and rotor similar to what is inside of this thing. I liked the video because it really shows what is going on inside a hydro pump and a wind powered generator.
Have you done some preliminary measuring & try their calculator? Think you would only need elevation drop, and GPM.

I think there is huge potential in this world for microhydro.
I agree. It seems like an ideal way to decentralize power production, or even for a town to recoup some of the costs to pump water up into the water towers to begin with.
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